Making the Photo Introduction
Original music by Rob Miniuk (
“Making the Photo” is coming to Dear Bubbles this February!
I’m so excited to announce this new “Making the Photo” video series in hopes it expands your ideas and inspiration for your own photography!
Here’s how it’ll work: I’ll continue to post the regular Dear Bubbles column on the first Wednesday of every month. No change there! Starting in February, on the third Wednesday of every month, I’ll upload a new video for a new image I’ve made in the past to this Dear Bubbles website. For that single image, you’ll hear fun tales that led up to the creation of the image, my exposure settings, gear I used, and my processing approach. You’ll also hear specific learnings and photography tips. (Those who have attended my “Making the Photos: [Year] in Review” webinar each January will be familiar with this approach.)
So that you all can get a taste of the format, the first “Making the Photo” on February 19, 2025 was publicly released and free for all to view. Take a peek at
Thereafter, starting in March 2025, all future “Making the Photo” videos will be available exclusively to all Dear Bubbles Patreon supporters.
If you are already a Patreon subscriber, THANK YOU! This is my way of adding more value to your investment.
If you are not yet a Patreon subscriber, but wish to see the “Making the Photo” series starting in March, please consider offering your financial support at With your contribution of just $2/month or more not only retains your access to all the Dear Bubbles columns and extra perks (books, coaching sessions, and more), but you’ll also gain access to 12 fresh, entertaining, and educational videos a year!
Your financial support helps me cover the production costs of these videos and enables me to keep both the videos and Dear Bubbles free of advertising. No distracting ads for toilet paper, medications, or cars! More photography and more learning! Whoo! Any and all contributions are very much appreciated and hug (or fist-bump) worthy.
So stay tuned! More bubbliciousness to come!
Be well, be brave, be wild,