Virtual Wall of Fame

Bubbles and gratitude all around to these amazing human beings for their generous support of Dear Bubbles on Patreon:

“Canadian Bubble Fan”


Sam Arnott

Jill Attaway

Ambika Balasubramaniyan

Marion Berger

Claudia Bolton

Mary Brisson

Cindy Carlsson

Chris Costello

Malcolm Cross

Mary Dean

Michael DiMeola

Donna Drake

Jean Drummond

Mary Gill

Gary Goelitz

Lois Hammer

Joel Heffner

Joseph Hoffer

Kristen Joelle

Robin Kent

Liz Lawson

Ray Lee

Paul LeSage

Joy Lindholm

Julie MacKinnon

Marjie Malizio

Amy Minton

John Morgan

Chris Percival

Brenda Petrella

Cathy Poer

Roger Pool

Christine Peterson

Sarah Samaan

Deanna Sanders

Susan Sanders

David and JoAnn Schoengold

Rocky Sharwell

Gail Scott

Richard Scott

Toby Silverman

Jane Simao

Jim Spickard

Bea Stein

Deborah Stevenson

Brie Stockwell

Margaret Todd

Gerry Toler

Joe and Lana Turner

Teresa Uriarte

Nick Webber

Libba Wilkes


If you’ve gained inspiration, education, or even just a laugh out of this and the other weekly Dear Bubbles posts, please consider tossing in a small donation via my Patreon page. Patreon offers patrons of the arts a secure platform to support artists like me creating online content. It’s like a virtual tip jar. For as little as $2/month ($0.50/post) or a contribution at the level of your choice, your financial support will not only encourage me to keep writing these columns, but it will also provide me the financial freedom to do so. It’ll also ensure this site stays freely available and ad-free forever. Your generosity at any level is hug-worthy and greatly appreciated. Thank you!